A socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events.

The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events. It was established in pursuance of a decision by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Foundation was established in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential, promoting its national interests, and strengthening the country’s image. One of the roles of the Foundation is to comprehensively evaluate, analyse, and cover issues on the Russian and global economic agendas. It also offers administrative services, provides promotional support for business projects and attracting investment, helps foster social entrepreneurship and charitable initiatives.

Each year, the Foundation’s events draw participants from 209 countries and territories, with more than 15,000 media representatives working on-site at Roscongress’ various venues. The Foundation benefits from analytical and professional expertise provided by 5,000 people working in Russia and abroad.

The Foundation works alongside various UN departments and other international organizations, and is building multi-format cooperation with 212 economic partners, including industrialists’ and entrepreneurs’ unions, financial, trade, and business associations from 86 countries worldwide, and 293 Russian public organizations, federal and regional executive and legislative bodies of the Russian Federation.

The Roscongress Foundation has Telegram channels in Russian t.me/Roscongress, English – t.me/RoscongressDirect, Spanish – t.me/RoscongressEsp and Arabic t.me/RosCongressArabic. Official website and Information and Analytical System of the Roscongress Foundation:roscongress.org.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Russia’s development, simply by virtue of its size, history, culture, the human potential and economic opportunities cannot take place outside the global context. [...] We are grateful to our guests for their attention and friendly attitude to Russia and their willingness for business cooperation that always rests on pragmatism, understanding of mutual interests and, of course, trust in each other, frankness and clear-cut positions. [...] We invite all of you to take part in this largescale and equitable cooperation.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation
5–8 June 2024
Saint Petersburg, Russia
List of sessions
4 June 2024 09:30
Applied Artificial Intelligence: Solutions for Explosive Growth of Economic Development. The Future Today
The AI Future Today National Forum reflects the IT industry’s reaction to the high rates of application of artificial intelligence technologies and the increased focus on these technologies by the Russian government. The event will become an effective platform for consolidating IT industry players, analysing the current situation, and building plans for addressing the tasks required in order to grow the Russian economy until 2030 through the introduction of artificial intelligence in all its spheres. The Forum is supported by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the administration of St. Petersburg. It will result in recommendations for federal ministries, agencies, and key industry players. The Forum’s business programme is focused on the presentation of applied solutions employing artificial intelligence technologies in various areas of the economy. The plenary session will focus on the main achievements, problems, and prospects of artificial intelligence development in the world and in the Russian Federation. The event will also include a business contacts exchange, practical seminars, and masterclasses. Representatives of government authorities, developers and industry users of artificial intelligence, the expert community, and educational and scientific organizations will take part in the Forum. You may find out more and register on the forum website.
4 June 2024 10:00
14th Annual International Conference TRILOGY (Transport, Investments, Logistics)
The conference agenda is crafted around the most important issues confronting the transport and logistics sector of the country, aligned with the global agenda of developing international transport corridors and boosting transport cooperation in the Greater Eurasian region. The conference materials, along with recommendations from its participants, are traditionally presented to federal ministries and agencies. They are then discussed at international meetings and business conferences focusing on issues related to transport infrastructure and intermodal transportation. The conference will be attended by leaders and authorized representatives from federal and regional authorities, major industry companies, associations and unions, banking communities, and scientific circles. Additional information and registration are available on the conference website.
5 June 2024 00:00
The opening day of SPIEF 2024
Россия – Кыргызстан
5 June 2024 10:00
Russia – Kyrgyzstan
Russia is one of Kyrgyzstan’s key trade and economic partners, and the two countries’ interstate relations are strategic in nature. Amidst the structural transformation of the global economy, Russia and Kyrgyzstan continue to dynamically intensify cooperation and plan to implement major socially significant projects. There is serious potential for further growth. The agenda for economic cooperation between Russia and Kyrgyzstan is not limited to traditional areas of interaction: energy, the light and mining industries, agriculture, and tourism. There is significant potential for the development of infrastructure, microelectronics, high technologies, and the digital economy. What kind of opportunities for cooperation are emerging for Russia and Kyrgyzstan in the new economic realities? How can the two countries create additional incentives to increase and diversify bilateral trade and economic cooperation? What existing mechanisms of state support for business, including within the EAEU, could intensify interaction between Russia and Kyrgyzstan?
Отправная точка для выхода в регион Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки (БВСА): анализ ситуации с МСП в ОАЭ
5 June 2024 10:00
Launchpad into the MENA Region: Exploring the UAE SME Ecosystem
Over the past few years, the UAE has established itself as a global innovation hub with a vibrant entrepreneurial community and a strong SME ecosystem. Adaptive government policies and business-friendly regulations have transformed the UAE into a launchpad for startups, and its strategic geographic location and extensive network of trade agreements have positioned the country as a gateway to the MENA region and beyond for companies looking to scale up. This panel will shed light on the UAE’s dynamic SME ecosystem, highlighting the opportunities it provides for ambitious entrepreneurs. Additionally, it will share key insights on how Russian SMEs can capitalize on these opportunities and leverage the UAE’s position to scale their innovations and expand internationally.
Сетевая дипломатия в многополярном мире
5 June 2024 10:00
Network Diplomacy in a Multipolar World
What role do institutions of network diplomacy have to play today? How do BRICS and international networks in a polycentric world differ from classical institutions of diplomacy? What role does the strategic partnership between China and Russia play in promoting network diplomacy? Network diplomacy has become even more relevant in this constantly changing world following the recent successful expansion of BRICS. This discussion will seek to identify the main trends and risks arising from the continued development of network diplomacy in the establishment of a new polycentric world order.
Вместе через границы: сотрудничество молодых лидеров и предпринимателей
5 June 2024 10:00
Together across Borders: Cooperation between Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs
The rapid emergence of diverse, efficient, fast, secure, and cross-border forms of online communication is driving the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Youth, being the most progressive age group, are at the forefront of these processes, necessitating new approaches to promoting digital literacy among the population and preparing competent personnel for the development of the digital economy. Meanwhile, in the context of changing geopolitical realities, the focus of cooperation is shifting towards partners from the EAEU and BRICS. What are the main trends in business cooperation among young professionals? What risks and opportunities do they see for the further development of their connections?
Сильные идеи для нового времени
5 June 2024 10:00
Strong Ideas for a New Time
Over the course of four years, Strong Ideas for a New Time has evolved from a major event to a national project to seek out and support useful civic initiatives. The Forum has become a regular event involving all levels of government, as well as various partner organizations and structures, where the ideas proposed by citizens make a significant contribution to the discussion on such issues as improving the quality of life, education and training, entrepreneurship, regional and urban development, environmental issues, and the development and implementation of new technologies. Priority support is given to projects that can have the potential to strengthen sovereignty and help Russia achieve its national development goals. Today, we are taking the next step in the development of our approach, moving to the principle of seeking out and supporting groundbreaking ideas and solutions, centering on what potential clients want. During Russia’s chairmanship of BRICS, we invite our partners to adopt the practice of systematically searching for and supporting socially useful ideas, the most successful of which can be replicated in the economies and societies of different countries. What formats for involving citizens in solving socially significant problems are already in place in partner countries? What formats of cooperation will be most effective when replicating promising ideas and solutions in those states?
Экологичный ретейл и e-commerce: торговля как оператор устойчивых изменений
5 June 2024 10:00
Eco-friendly Retail and E-commerce: Commerce as an Agent of Sustainable Change
Developing environmentally responsible consumption is one of the key challenges to achieving national environmental goals. Retail and e-commerce can make a significant contribution to the development of a culture of environmentally responsible behaviour. A particular feature of the retail and e-commerce sector is that it has a large number of participants in the economic chain. For a successful transformation, it is necessary to combine the efforts of all parties, taking into account their interests. How may all stakeholders interact in order to achieve sustainable development goals? What steps are being taken today to create a new consumer culture and high environmental standards? What role do regulators play in this process? What application solutions exist in retail to implement ESG strategies? How can the unification of digital e-commerce platforms influence agenda-setting?
Самозанятый – предприниматель или нет?
5 June 2024 10:00
Self-Employed: Entrepreneur or Not?
In modern society, an increasing number of people choose self-employment as a type of occupation and a way to earn money. However, the question arises: is a self-employed person an entrepreneur? On the one hand, the self-employed do not create a legal entity or hire employees, which distinguishes them from entrepreneurs. On the other hand, they organize their activities independently, are responsible for the results of their work, and pay taxes. What kind of criteria are there for defining an entrepreneur? What rights and obligations do the self-employed have? What are the similarities and differences between the self-employed and entrepreneurs?
Взаимодействие МСП России и Китая
5 June 2024 10:00
Interaction between SMEs in Russia and China
Trade turnover between Russia and China is rising every year. But it is not only the economy that drives the expansion of bilateral relations between our countries. The years 2024–2025 have been declared the Years of Culture between Russia and China. The aim of the project is to further develop Russian–Chinese relations and boost bilateral cultural ties. Will such rapprochement, including in the cultural sphere, help to integrate our economies? What is the current situation regarding trade turnover between Russia and China? Export of Russian products: myth or reality? How to pay for goods in China? What possible pitfalls should be kept in mind in order to avoid losses when working with China?
Квота сыграла: как малый и средний бизнес занял сферу корпоративных закупок
5 June 2024 10:00
The Quota Worked: How SMEs Took Over Corporate Procurement
Ten years ago, the government of the Russian Federation established a quota for state-owned companies to purchase from SMEs. This step, among others, allowed SMEs unimpeded access to procurement by major state-owned companies. By participating in procurement, SMEs expand the market for their products, which ultimately leads to the SME sector in the Russian economy expanding. At present, it is state-owned companies that ensure a constant and growing demand for the products and services of small businesses. By guaranteeing entrepreneurs access to the purchases made by major customers, the government both meets the needs of companies who are customers, and enables small businesses to boost their selling power. After 10 years of these kinds of procurements, can we conclude that this measure has been successful? Were the companies (customers) able to fulfil their needs by working with small businesses? How can the largest customers boost the number of entrepreneurs participating in their procurements in the future? Does the guaranteed sales market allow entrepreneurs to think about expanding their capacity?
Социально ответственная франшиза
5 June 2024 10:00
Socially Responsible Franchising
Franchising is a universally recognized business development technology that enables the nurturing of sustainable entrepreneurs, replication of successful business models and the creation, through the synergy of resources and joint efforts, an ecosystem of enterprising entrepreneurs, where the maximum effect of socioeconomic transformation is achieved. Based on the results of analyses of well-known franchise networks, it can be concluded that franchise owners assume increased responsibility towards consumers and existing partners. The beneficiaries of the franchising effect are not only the participants of the franchise agreement, but also the end consumers, the population of cities and regions, and public authorities. Today, the franchise market is not regulated by a separate law. How may we make the process of selling and buying franchises safe and transparent for both parties? There is franchising in Russia, but there is no law, so what should be done? Socially responsible franchising as a reliable way to scale your network: why is it beneficial for the franchisor to support franchisees? How to work with franchisees, increase their profits, and prevent them from leaving the network: a review of case studies? Socially responsible franchising is supported by the state: which state franchising regulation programmes contribute to SME development?
День сегодняшний – взгляд в будущее. «Фарма-2030» и курс на долгосрочное планирование
5 June 2024 10:00
Looking Into the Future Today. Pharma 2030 and the Long-Term Planning Course
Russia has completed the first year of its Pharma-2030 strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. According to the DSM Group, the size of the Russian pharmaceutical market increased to RUB 2.578 trillion in 2023. The Strategy Implementation Plan approved by the Russian government includes a wide range of measures to support the pharmaceutical industry with thorough planning for the next three years. However, the Long and Active Life national project that has been announced extends the planning horizon until 2030 due to the continued implementation and funding of federal projects to combat diabetes as well as cardiovascular, oncological, and infectious diseases. The government and business need to analyse the initial results and come up with proposals to modernize the Strategy, improve the drug regulation system, and update tools to support domestic pharmaceuticals, including innovative developments and the production of active pharmaceutical substances and ingredients for their creation. Russia must find ways to introduce innovative solutions, achieve technological sovereignty, and increase the share of domestic medicines. What results have the first year of the Strategy produced? What different approaches are needed due to the expanded planning horizon? What qualitative changes are crucial for the successful implementation of the country’s federal projects? Which unified coordinate system should be selected to predict the healthcare system’s demand for drugs? What are the most effective measures to support the pharmaceutical industry
Ожирение – глобальная эпидемия 21-го века?
5 June 2024 10:00
Obesity: The Global Epidemic of the 21st Century?
Today, there are more than a billion people around the world living with obesity, 159 million of whom are children, and this figure is constantly trending upward. The situation in Russia is consistent with global trends: more than 45 million of the country’s residents suffer from obesity. Roughly 10% of them are morbidly obese, while more than 30% are overweight, and the number of such people increase each year. Problems with excess weight lead to the development of dangerous conditions and non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death around the world: heart attack, stroke, diabetes, oncology, and diminished reproductive functions. Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem, but a serious metabolic disorder, a source of increased risk of premature death, and a real threat to the health of the nation, which, in turn, causes economic and social damage to the state. However, doctors do not always pay proper attention to the treatment of obesity, as they take it as a whole with other diseases instead of viewing it as a separate disease. How can we change the attitude towards the problem of obesity among the medical community? How can we promote knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of excess weight among the population? Why should obesity be recognized as a socially significant disease? What innovative approaches to the treatment of excess body weight exist today?
Saint Petersburg, Russia
+7 (812) 680 0000